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AEF, AETC and ISOBUS; A Great Combination

Last month on February 10-12 the AEF was a sponsor of the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) 2020. This annual event is hosted every February by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) in Louisville Kentucky during the same week as The National Farm Machinery Show. By Sponsoring this event the AEF was able to help send one student to the AETC for the very valuable experience at this conference.

The ASABE has always focused on the education and professional development of Ag engineers and tackles important topics currently being worked on in agriculture.  This topical student focus and cooperation is highlighted throughout the week of AETC every year. The event includes 3 days of continued professional development sessions like “Concurrent Engineering and Design for Manufacturing and Assembly DFMA®.”

There were student-focused sessions’ like “Re-Engineering a Career” providing students and young professionals with observations, insights, and ideas for their consideration as they define and establish themselves and their Ag Engineering careers.  Also, there were sessions for Student poster submissions of research and new designs that were presented with awards. Awards available are 1st to 3rd Place for both graduate and undergraduate groups. Some topics the students presented were “Electric Power Considerations for Row-Crop Operations (A. Donesky)” and “Tractor Implementation System for Characterized Mixed Mode Tractor Power States (C. Liew).”

7 technical lectures were presented by industry and academic experts.  This year had topics ranging from “Hydraulics 101 (part 1 + 2) – Fluid Fundamentals” and “The Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory: 100 Years of Service”. 

For topics with a precision Ag focus we had “Big Data and Data Management in Digital Agriculture” as well as “Improving Row Crop Tractor Performance by Intelligent Pump Summation”.

On Tuesday 2/11/2020, was the award luncheon and presentation of the AE50 Awards followed by the afternoon of AE50 showcase talks. The trend seen at AETC tells the story of increased interest and adoption of the precision Ag functionalities made possible by ISOBUS.  In 2019, 12 of the 50 awards given were to advancements and innovations on precision Ag machines and the 2020 awards find now 19 of the 50 AE50 awards were given to advancements and innovations on precision Ag machines. 

The AEF was present to accept the AE50 award for TIM. Congratulations to all the 2020 AE50 awards winners!

AgIN presented at the GIL conference in Wieselburg, Austria

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#Events #Project team activities

High-Speed ISOBUS at AETC in Louisville, KY

At this year's Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) in Louisville, Kentucky, the AEF presented High Speed ISOBUS (HSI) to a wider…

#Events #Project team activities

Review AEF TechWeek in Munich, Germany

AEF Tech Week, held from January 21 to 23, 2025, at Panasonic in Munich, was a significant event, fostering collaboration and innovation within the…


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AgIN presented at the GIL conference in Wieselburg, Austria

The AEF presented the Agricultural Interoperability Network (AgIN) at this year's GIL conference at the HBLFA Francisco Josephinum in Wieselburg,…

#Events #Project team activities

High-Speed ISOBUS at AETC in Louisville, KY

At this year's Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) in Louisville, Kentucky, the AEF presented High Speed ISOBUS (HSI) to a wider…

#Events #Project team activities

Review AEF TechWeek in Munich, Germany

AEF Tech Week, held from January 21 to 23, 2025, at Panasonic in Munich, was a significant event, fostering collaboration and innovation within the…


Review Grüne Woche in Berlin, Germany

For the third time, AEF has participated in the “Grüne Woche” fair in Berlin, Germany, from January 17-26, 2025.


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#Project team activities