AEF 2024 Spring Plugfest in Houston, TXAEF Spring Plugfest in Houston along-site with Commodity Classic
From February 27 – March 1, 2024 the AEF North American Plugfest was held in Houston Texas.
The 3-day event took place in conjunction with the US trade show Commodity Classic, with the theme “Exploring New Frontiers” and the AEF took advantage of this location to host multiple plugfest tours and media appointments. There were guided tours for 25 students from South Dakota State University, the US student organizations FFA and AFA, as well as open house tours for farmers to visit the Plugfest. A great opportunity to have some time with AEF members explaining what the Plugfest was there to accomplish as well as the benefits of AEF and ISOBUS.

AEF Plugfest Houston 2024
75 registered participants, 20 companies and 33 products were testing ISOBUS compatibility.
Also, various project teams scheduled face-to-face meetings during the week and presented current and future activities. Especially the HSI team that held a discovery station event and tested IPV6 for the first time.
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