On January 15, 2025, Austin Gellings, AEMs Senior Director of Ag and General Manager Norbert Schlingmann introduced AEF at the Associated Equipment…
The AEF Steering Committee, as well as AEF Team Leaders and Deputies met at VDMA in Frankfurt beginning of December for three days. On the first day,…
General Manager Norbert Schlingmann was a speaker at the AgGateway Annual meeting in Austin, Tx, USA on Nov 12, 2024. The presentation included…
AEF is delighted to share the highlights of the participation in EIMA International 2024, from November 6 - 10. This trade show saw an exceptional…
From October 22 – 24, 2024, the FIRA USA event took place at the Yolo County Fairgrounds in Woodland California. The three-day event pulled together…
This year, the VDI International Conference on Agricultural Engineering LAND.TECHNIK, one of the most renowned events for the community of…
The registration for the upcoming TechWeek is still open. Please take a few minutes to register. Register before 11 January 11, 2025 and pay 250 EUR,…
We are pleased to announce the next AEF Spring Plugfest. It will take place from March 31 to April 3, 2025 in Milwaukee, the largest city in the state…
These companies have recently joined the AEF.
Grüne Woche, AEF Tech Week, AEF Spring Plugfest, AEF Machine Plugfest, AEF Fall Plugfest
The Car2Car Communication Consortium organised the annual forum at the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany on October…
The AEF European Plugfest 2024 took place from September 16 to 20 at the Savoia Regency Hotel in Bologna, marking the fourth time this successful…
At its recent General Assembly meeting in Bologna, Italy, the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) re-elected Andrew Olliver, Digital…
The Agriculture Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF)’s largest-ever Plugfest was buzzing with excitement as new connections and combinations were…
At the AEF Fall PlugFest 2024, the HSI Team hosted its 6th “Discovery Station” event – so named because the team is researching and experimenting (aka…
During this year’s AEF Fall Plugfest 2024 in Bologna the Digital Camera System (DCS) team took the chance to test cameras and monitors from AEF member…
#Standards guidelines
The AEF CM Team recently had the opportunity to speak at two conferences in the US. AgIN and TIM were presented to demonstrate how AEF is dedicated to…
At the AEF Fall Plugfest 2024, an important announcement was made regarding the transition to the new Online SUT Editor. This new editor will…
#Technical updates
The AgIN (Agricultural Interoperability Network) team met at this year’s AEF Fall Plugfest in Bologna.
Considering the rapid development of autonomous technology, the Autonomy in Ag (AUT) project is becoming a central force within the AEF in addressing…
#Technical updates
We are excited to announce that the AEF will be present at the EIMA trade fair in Bologna, Italy, from 6-10 November 2024. Visit us at Hall 37, Stand…
The AEF will be discontinuing support for the AUX-O ISOBUS functionality. For several years there have been two different conformance tests for…
#Technical updates
These companies have recently joined the AEF.
VDI International Conference on Agricultural Engineering LAND.TECHNIK, EIMA
The webinar “AEF toward the future” was organized by FederUnacoma and held in the morning of July 1st with the purpose to introduce the new AEF…
#Project team activities
In June 2024, the AEF and ISO TC23 SC19 organized a full week of meetings in conjunction with the Japanese Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers…
#Technical updates
The AEF kicked off the Information Day in Tokyo, Japan with great support from JAMMA on the local organization!
The overall goal of AEFs project “Autonomy in Ag” is to face the current challenges of autonomous machines with standards and technologies for…
#Project team activities
On May 6th-8th 2024 the AEF was invited to participate in the Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the National Mall in Washington DC.
AEF tool chain presented during first Workshop Day on April 18, 2024.
The next European Plugfest will take place from September 16 to 20, 2024 in Bologna, Italy at the Savoia Hotel. This will be the fourth time at this…
These companies have recently joined the AEF.
AEF Fall Plugfest, VDI International Conference on Agricultural Engineering LAND.TECHNIK, EIMA
The AEF Steering Committee approved the project charter and the wish to start engagement in autonomy. The goal of the new “Autonomy in Ag” (AUT)…
#Project team activities
The AEF Steering Committee, as well as AEF Team Leaders and Deputies met at CNH in St. Valentin, Austria for three days.
The Future of Food & Farming
The Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) will exhibit at the "Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the…
The week from February 26 to March 1, 2024 was for the HSI experts packed with meetings in a room far from the exhibit floor, first with ISO meetings…
#Project team activities
The INFO project is driven by three main use cases: What are the capabilities of my machine? What is the right product (e.g. a baler) for the…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
Three month after the Kick-off meeting, the AEF is pleased to announce that the DCS Team has a deputy: Dennis Schäfer.
#Project team activities
The AEF Guideline “AEF 005 ISOBUS Alignment of ISOBUS systems with ISO 25119” has been released as RIG 3.
#Project team activities
#Standards guidelines
These companies have recently joined the AEF.
Ag on the Mall, ASABE AIM, AEF Fall Plugfest, VDI International Conference on Agricultural Engineering LAND.TECHNIK, EIMA, ...
From February 27 – March 1, 2024 the AEF North American Plugfest was held in Houston Texas.
The Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF), a global non-profit organization founded to improve cross-manufacturer compatibility in…
The Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF), was recognized by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) with a…
On February 12-14 the AEF was a sponsor of the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) 2024.
On Thursday 08 February 2024, the first International Agricultural Autonomy Symposium took place as part of the schedule of events at the World FIRA…
The Agricultural Interoperability Network (AgIN) project team made its debut in 2024, rapidly resuming work after winter break without significant…
#Project team activities
Panel discussion about agricultural dataspaces and Artificial Intelligence during the Green Week in Berlin on January 25, 2024.
The leading international event for agricultural robotics and autonomous solutions will open its eighth edition from 6 to 8 February at the…
The AEF started scheduling a new educational series called Tech Talks on a monthly basis in 2020. AEF Tech Talks are short, condensed introductions to…
Houston, a major city in Texas will be the destination of the next AEF Plugfest again in conjunction with Commodity Classicom. Setting up the George…
Autonomy in Agriculture – where does the AEF fit? This was the title for the second AEF Autonomy Day which was held on November 29 at the FederUnacoma…
AGRITECHNICA - The world's leading trade fair for agricultural machinery took place from November 12 to 18 at the Hannover Messe showgrounds. AEF was…
Wireless infield Communication – Road Safety
Wireless in-field communication (WIC) serves as a crucial facilitator for seamless and interoperable…
AEF celebrates 10th anniversary of ISOBUS Conformance Test and Database
With the AEF ISOBUS Database, AEF has been ensuring transparency of ISOBUS…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
A few weeks ago, the AEF kicked off the new project team Digital Camera Systems or DCS for short. More than 25 participants from various AEF member…
#Project team activities
One of the first tasks after the founding of the AEF was to make ISOBUS (ISO 11783) easier to understand for the whole industry. This led to the…
AEF member companies enjoy complimentary access to our web-based training courses. These instructional videos cover technical fundamentals across…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
Green Week, ASABE Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC), AEF Plugfests ...
The leadership at AEF decided after 2021 to offer a reduction of the AEF membership fee to interested companies that may be considering involvement in…
What is "AgIN"?
The Agricultural Interoperabilty Network [AgIN] is a dataspace that provides a framework to foster collaboration between agricultural…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
AEF Booth at Agritechnica
As in previous years, the AEF will also be present with a booth at Agritechnica in Hannover (Germany) this year.…
#Project team activities
The LAND.TECHNIK International Conference on Agricultural Engineering is the official opening event of AGRITECHNICA. During the two day conference…
The Agricultural Interoperability Network (AgIN) has been selected on the shortlist for the DLG-Agrifuture Concept Winner 2023, for pioneering…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
AEF’s “Enhanced Road safety for agricultural vehicles" is a nominee of the a SYSTEMS & COMPONENTS TROPHY – Engineers‘ Choice 2023.
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The AEF participated in the Innovation Village which showed high-tech innovative agricultural equipment during a summit organized by the European Ag…
From the September 18 – 22, 2023 the AEF European Plugfest took place in Antibes, France at the Juan-les-Pins Conference Centre.
iVT Technology Expo Chicago is a growing heavy vehicle engineering conference held annually in the US the last week of August. The technology expo…
In recent months, the AgIN Team has accelerated work to build an interoperability network for the agricultural industry. Several subgroups were formed…
#Project team activities
These companies joined the AEF.
VDI conference ”Ag Eng”, Agritechnica,...
The University of Nebraska Tractor Test Lab celebrated its century of testing tractors on July 8, 2023 on the east campus. A representation of tested…
The ASABE’s Annual International Meeting took place from July 9 – 12 in Omaha, Nebraska.
In just a few weeks, from September 18 to 22, 2023, the next AEF Fall Plugfest will take place at Congress Center of Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France,…
AEF Steering Committee and Team Leaders meet at AGCO.
On the 22nd of June 2023 Anita Sennett, the AEF Secretary attended (and documented) her last AEF Steering Committee meeting before commencing her…
The AEF is very happy to welcome Birgit Wagner as a new member of the AEF team, based in Gütersloh, Germany.
Thank you Georg Happich and Welcome Derek Smith (TIM 2).
#Project team activities
The AEF Guideline AEF 023, AEF 040, AEF 043.
#Standards guidelines
These companies joined the AEF.
AEF Fall Plugfest, VDI conference ”Ag Eng”, Agritechnica,...
Planning for the next AEF Fall Plugfest is already underway. After a successful Plugfest in North America in March this year, the next European…
“What is the Agricultural Interoperable Network” was the title of Norbert Schlingmann’s presentation during the VDI conference “Smart Farming” on…
#Technical updates
In March 2023 the AEF was invited to participate as HARTING connector company hosted its annual discussion regarding the advancements of industrial…
Due to having AEF Plugfest at the Commodity Classic trade show, AEF has had several opportunities to grow our media coverage in North America. These…
The annual AEF North American Plugfest was back at the Commodity Classic in 2023.
On February 12-14 the AEF was a sponsor of the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) 2023. This annual event is hosted by the American…
From the 7th to the 9th of February the 7th World FIRA took place at the AGROBIOPOLE, just south of Toulouse in France. This new three day format…
The AEF TIM functionality, launched in 2019, is the first functionality using a standardized, certified communication between tractor and implement.…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The AEF is very happy to welcome Marcel Urban as a new member of the AEF team, based in Gütersloh, Germany.
The AEF teams consist of volunteers coming from our member companies who engage for AEF beside their regular job. To successfully work on projects…
ASABE AIM, AEF Fall Plugfest 2023, VDI conference ”Landtechnik”, Agritechnica
AEF Board Sets Focus on Collaboration, Plugfest Electrified by Record Attendance.
At its recent General Assembly meeting in Bologna, Italy, the…
Successful Plugfest is back on stage in Europe after the North American one in New Orleans in March 2022. More than 330 participants enjoyed the…
Peter has been a member of the AEF Steering Committee since the beginning and was elected as Vice-Chairman in 2008. Then as Rainer Hofmann stepped…
AEF thanks Rainer and Peter for their active engagement and wishes a well-deserved retirement.
Jan-Hendrik Wölker has left AEF as of end of October to pursue other interests. He started in 2012 working for the company Fuhrhop & Partner…
AEF has grown, even during the last couple of years, and with that growth comes the challenge of effective collaboration between the many teams. All…
The AEF Project Team UT3 has been working on the next generation of the AEF Conformance Test for Universal Terminal UT3. Already in use during the…
#Technical updates
Orlando, a major city dedicated to amusement! In central Florida you will find a destination packed with amusement parks and world renowned family…
After a long break due to the Covid pandemic, the postponed SIMA show took place in Paris Nord - Villepinte / France from November 6 through 10 2022.…
From the 9th to the 13th of November the 45th EIMA show took place in Bologna, Italy. The record number of 327,100 visitors certainly enjoyed the…
iVT Technology Expo Chicago was the first time this show was held in the US. The technology expo focuses on bringing together component manufacturers…
These companies joined the AEF
AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK, International Green Week, Tech Week, AETC Conference
, AEF Plugfests 2023
In just a few weeks, from October 17 to 21, the next AEF Fall Plugfest will take place at the Savoia Hotel in Bologna, Italy. We are very much looking…
Autonomy in Agriculture Day, the AEF and AEM Ag Technology Leadership Group examine how to collaborate and take on the challenges of autonomous…
After two years of virtual events, the ASABE’s Annual International Meeting returned to an “in person” event which took place from the 17th to the…
Operators working with the TaskController in the field sometimes have issues while importing ISO-XML taskdata in different terminals. This could be…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
AEF is pleased to announce that Ryan Milligan has been approved as AEF Team Lead Deputy of the Communications and Marketing Team (C&M) and happy to…
Guideline AEF 007 RIG 2.0 ISOBUS – ISOBUS Automation
The Functional Safety Team has successfully released a new version of the Guideline AEF 007 that…
#Project team activities
#Standards guidelines
These companies joined the AEF
Upcoming events in 2022
Autonomy in Agriculture Day, the AEF and AEM Ag Technology Leadership Group examine how to collaborate and take on the challenges of autonomous…
Next generation ISOBUS is roughly 4,000 times faster than the original ISOBUS technology.
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
After the cancellations of the last few Plugfests due to the pandemic, this was the first face to face AEF Plugfest since September 2019.
The Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) has exhibited at the "Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the National Mall" event in…
Last month on February 12-14 the AEF was a sponsor of the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) 2022.
In March 2021, AgGateway and the AEF signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on initiatives to increase the seamless exchange of…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The AEF Project Team Universal Terminal UT3 is currently working on the development of the next generation of the UT Conformance Test. This new…
#Project team activities
A subgroup of physical layer experts from the High Speed ISOBUS team (HSI) created AEF RIG 042 “High Speed Implement Bus – Physical layer – PHY and…
#Project team activities
#Standards guidelines
These companies joined the AEF
Upcoming events in 2022
Our wish is, and has always been, that engineers attend the plugfest in person however due to the continuing COVID situation and the variation in…
AEF Vice-Chair Andrew Olliver and General Manager Norbert Schlingmann, were speakers at the AgGateway Annual meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, USA on…
AEF was present at the EIMA 2021 show in Bologna with a booth in cooperation with REI and FederUnacoma. Information about AEF products were provided,…
Visit New Orleans, Lousiana, for March 9 – 11, 2022 Plugfest
The preparations for the AEF Spring Plugfest in New Orleans, which will take place from March 9 to 11, 2022 are already in full swing.
The AEF as pacemaker for ISOBUS Functional Safety
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
AEF is pleased to introduce two new projects to its members: Task Controller 2 and Agricultural Interoperability Network.
#Project team activities
High Speed Implement Bus – Physical Layer – Communication channel and breakaway connectors published
#Project team activities
#Standards guidelines
These companies joined the AEF
Upcoming events in 2022
Ag equipment dealers, manufacturers, farmers to easily view ISOBUS compatible products across brands
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
On the 22nd and 23rd of September the AEF Steering Committee held a face to face meeting in the centre of Frankfurt. Apart from the regular monthly…
The 2021 AEF General Assembly took place in the afternoon of the 23rd of September and, just like the 2020 edition, was another virtual event, the…
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, no physical AEF Plugfest events could take place. This encouraged the AEF, in cooperation with Vector Informatik, to…
Most people have become tired of all the bad news we hear every day. It has been a difficult time for everyone. The leadership at AEF thought it would…
The AEF Data Management team is looking into additional use cases for transport operations. But some important elements are still missing. The…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
In 2017 the AEF released the TC-BAS Conformance Test for FMIS. With the upcoming release 2021R2, planned for the 1st of November, the AEF Conformance…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The next EIMA, an International Agricultural and Gardening Machinery Exhibition takes place from October 19 thru 23, 2021 in Bologna, Italy.
After 11 years of a long and effective collaboration, it was decided to end the relationship as of September 30, 2021. This collaboration had a long…
Communication & Marketing – Thank you Andrew Olliver and welcome Alfred Kornes and Klaus-Herbert Rolf
Due to on-going concern over the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and related travel restrictions,
the AEF decided to cancel the 2021 Fall Plugfest…
Jürgen Hollstein will retire end of July this year and will be succeeded by Stefan Stahlmecke as new representative from John Deere.
Peter Münch has left his AEF team leader position in June this year. Since the beginning of the AEF, he has been in charge of the functional safety…
AEF is very pleased to introduce Jason Roesbeke from CNH Industrial, based in Bruges, Belgium as another Deputy Team Lead for the Expert Team Data…
Following on from last summer’s updates and thanks to the continual feedback from the AEF Service Council, the Database Service team have been hard at…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
FMIS Conformance Test
As with all conformance tests and certified compatibility our goal in the end is satisfied customers.
In today's agricultural…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The AEF Conformance Test for the new AEF Functionality File Server is released.
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
In April 2021, the AEF organized a proof of concept to demonstrate the latest developments in Wireless-Infield-Communication together with the…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The AEF Security Team is looking for expertise from AEF companies in the following areas:
#Project team activities
MC Elettronica is a company specializing in design of sensors and “high tech” electronic components for agricultural machines, dedicated to PRECISION…
Agricon is a full-service provider for precision farming solutions. It offers a wide range of products dedicated to improve crop production from the…
Neways Electronics International N.V. is active in the international EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services) market. As System Innovator and life…
Image Line is an Italian company – included in Italian official registry for innovative SMEs – that develops softwares, web portals and databases for…
When it comes to pioneering automation and digitization technology, the ifm group of companies is your ideal partner. Since its foundation in 1969 ifm…
AEF secretary Mark Benishek retired end of last year and was succeeded by Anita Sennett representing the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM)…
As announced during the virtual AEF General Assembly in October 2020 by Peter Hieronymus, a dedicated team of seasoned AEF members was tasked with…
AEF announces plans are underway for the next Plugfest in Stuttgart, Germany. The dates are set for September 20 to 24, 2021. We are excited at the…
FederUnacoma, the Italian Association of Ag. Machine Manufacturers, has always taken an active role in supporting the AEF through the years. Although…
Exactly 20 years ago at Agritechnica 2001 the first ISOBUS systems were demonstrated with the Universal Terminal application (even though the first…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
During 2020 the AEF Communications and Marketing North American Sub Group worked on a group of sponsored articles that ran on the Precision Farming…
With so many different manufacturers creating a wide scope of agricultural products available on the market today, this is a fairly common problem for…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
Whether you are a salesperson or service tech, the ISOBUS Database will become an essential part of your toolbox. It provides important ISOBUS…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
In a market offering so many different tractors and implements, how can you make the right choice? Now more than ever, when considering the precision…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Press releases
Every day, farm tractors and implements are connected together and the electrical connectors are engaged.
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Press releases
How do you get a group of ag software engineers excited? Most engineers have similar traits. They want to provide new and better designs, and the best…
Tractor Implement Management, or what we call “TIM,” is a cross-product and cross-manufacturer ISOBUS solution where the implement controls certain…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
M2M, also known as “Machine-to-Machine Communication,” is exactly what it sounds like. It stands for two machines “communicating” together.
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
So, what is under the ISOBUS Hood:
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
AEF is very happy to present the new Security Team Lead: Bradley Nielsen from CNH Industrial, based in Burr Ridge, Illinois, agreed to take over the…
AEF is happy to present the new WIC Deputy Team Lead: Tobias Nothdurft from AGCO, based in Marktoberdorf, Germany, agreed to take over the tasks from…
Materna is a full service provider in the premium segment successfully implementing IT projects for the industry sector, business customers and the…
Junkkari Oy is a family owned company located in Finland, established over 60 years ago and is part of the MSK Group Oy.
AgGateway and the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on initiatives to…
#Technical updates
The first ever virtual AEF General Assembly took place on Thursday the 15th of October. The AEF Chairperson, Peter van der Vlugt opened the meeting…
As mentioned above, during this year’s Chair Group (CG) election meeting resulted in a change of the Vice-Chairperson. Marcello Mongiardo as the…
Core Membership changes
At the last AEF General Assembly held October 15, 2020, leadership addressed a change request to the Core membership. The…
… our new AEF office team member Stefanie Schemmink.
In 2020 the AEF started scheduling a new educational series called Tech Talks on a monthly basis. AEF Tech Talks are short condensed introductions to…
#Technical updates
On November the 11th and 12th the AEF had the honour of presenting two sessions during the EIMA Digital Preview (EDP). The EDP was a purely online…
On 28th of October 2020 the third AEF Service Council took place in Warendorf, Germany. The event – aimed at dealer service and sales staff as well as…
Project activities for the UT 3 ISOBUS functionality conformance test have received much interest for the past few years. In January 2020 a face to…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
A new lead is sought for the AEF Security Expert Team. This is a diverse team made up of security professionals from both OEMs and security…
The latest version of the AEF ISOBUS Database was released in the middle of summer and included the highly anticipated changes to the Product Upload…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
Τhe overall goal of the Horizon 2020 project “ATLAS” is the development of an open digital Network through which information and services become…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The current AEF Conformance Test environment was developed based on a now outdated version of National Instruments TestStand. (To be precise we are…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
Once again, the AEF were presenting at the 2020 ASABE Annual International Meeting (AIM). The event took place from the 13th to the 15th of July and,…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The AGROSALON took place from the 6th to the 9th of October in Moscow and thanks to the grateful assistance of the Agriculture Engineering team at…
The Covid-19 emergency has defined a new economic and social geography with global restrictions. The international trade shows worldwide have been…
Smart agricultural machines, sensors and data processing services have assisted farmers by providing an abundance of information that help optimize…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
As highlighted in the AEF ISOBUS Database Improvements Press Release issued before Agritechnica last year, Self-Certification is here! But what…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
Last year in October a new AEF team was formed, composed of security experts from several AEF member companies. Norbert Schlingmann, General Manager…
Following on from the very successful High Speed ISOBUS presentation given at the Landtechnik conference in November last year, this edition of the…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
After our disappointment at having to cancel the AEF Spring Plugfest in Lincoln due to on-going concern over the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and…
Sjaak Bontje 1956 – 2020
This EFDI guideline provides an extensible communication system concept and defines rules for adding new functionalities to cover specific use cases…
#Project team activities
#Standards guidelines
The European Commission is funding the development of an open digital platform for interoperability between agricultural machinery, sensors and data…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
Since AEF’s development of the Tractor Implement Management (TIM) was launched in December 2019, the first products supporting the TIM functionality…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
Tractor Implement Management (TIM) receives two awards in February: ASABE AE50 Award and AEM Davidson Prize in the US.
As well as the recently announced AEF membership changes involving Kubota Corporation and Kverneland Group, the start of 2020 has ushered in one more…
In parallel to ATLAS, AEF is a partner in a second EU funded project named agROBOfood.
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The ISOBUS event held in Reggio Emilia (Italy) on December 13th 2019 titled “Agriculture looks to the future” was a great success.
Last month on February 10-12 the AEF was a sponsor of the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) 2020. This annual event is hosted every…
As of December 1, 2019, the AEF has a new project team leader for the ISOBUS Automation Group: Jasper Jeninga, Team Leader at CLAAS based in Bad…
The AEF is happy to introduce Ronny Preußer as new deputy team lead for project team Service & Diagnostics.
Since February, 12, 2020 Hara Spathi has joined the AEF as project manager for the ATLAS program. ATLAS focuses on the standardization of data…
Mark Benishek AEF Secretary, General Manager Norbert Schlingmann and Chairman Peter van der Vlugt received the AE50 award during the ASABE…
After 11 years of Kverneland Group’s direct engagement as AEF founding - and core member, the mother company Kubota Corporation has taken over the AEF…
After the successful release and roll out of the AEF TIM conformance test some days ago to certification test laboratories, we are happy to announce…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
Agritechnica 2019 took place from the 10th to the 16th of November at the Hannover Messe and once again the AEF was present with a booth in Hall 15.…
The AEF was well represented with three different presentations at the 77th Landtechnik AgEng Conference which took place on Friday the 8th and…
The AEF is pleased to be a recipient of an AE50 award of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) for 2020 for the…
In the "Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis System (ATLAS)" project leading manufacturers of agricultural technology are working together with…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
Which implement can be operated with the tractor’s ISOBUS terminal? Which functionalities are supported by the combination of vehicles? Can the farmer…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
From the 14th to the 17th of October the Asian-Australasian Conference on Precision Agriculture took place at the Punjab Agricultural University in…
Last October 2019, Norbert Schlingmann, AEF General Manager, was invited to speak at a conference in Moscow entitled “Universal control and monitoring…
In January 2019, the 3rd revision of ISO 11783 – Part 2: Physical Layer has been published. As you may know this part of the ISO standard details the…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
As with all projects, at some point they come to completion. This is true with the project, Tractor Implement Management (TIM), which was released…
#Project team activities
From the 17th to the 19th of September the AEF European Plugfest took place in Antibes, France at the very new Juan-les-Pins Conference Centre. With…
In addition to the Plugfest event, project team meetings and the AEF General Assembly, the AEF Conference event took place in the afternoon of…
The AEF is looking for a project team lead to help with an EU subsidized design project. The benefits of digital farming are increasing day by day and…
#Project team activities
Once again the AEF was present at Union Station in St Louis, Missouri participating in the 2019 edition of InfoAg. As with previous years the AEF…
Starting in January 2020 the annual fee that manufacturers pay to access the AEF ISOBUS Conformance Test will increase to 24.300 Euro for the…
TIM (Tractor Implement Management) is a cross-product and cross-manufacturer ISOBUS solution where the implement controls certain tractor functions…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
During the last week of June, in one of the hottest weeks of the summer, the Steering Committee, Team Leaders and associated deputies converged on…
The first AEF Service Council took place in Warendorf at the end of December 2018. Due to the positive outcome, the participants expressed the wish to…
We are a technology company that builds connectivity solutions for machines. We provide the infrastructure to connect mobile machines with the cloud…
Parker Hannifin is a Fortune 250 global leader in motion and control technologies. For more than 100 years the company has engineered the success of…
In conjunction with the Plugfest, you will have the option of seeing the Plugfest activities in action or particpate in a number of conference &…
Under the title „ISOBUS Automation using TIM“ an international VDI workshop took place in the Berlin Mercure Hotel MOA on 28 June 2019. The AEF was…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
AEF Sponsored and exhibited at the 2019 Annual International Meetings of the ASABE in Boston, Massachusetts, USA on July 7 – 10, 2019. The focus of…
#Technical updates
Martijn Holten left Kverneland Mechatronics and in addition the position as deputy for AEF PT4 Service & Diagnostics in June. Since the beginning he…
Since the launch meeting in Frankfurt am Main on 16 March 2011, Harald Dietel has significantly supported the project team High Voltage (PT7) as team…
Since 24 June 2019, Mark von Bibra has joined AEF as project manager. The Australian studied in Melbourne and Singapore and worked for the last six…
To coincide with the AEF Fall Plugfest in France in September, the AEF website and the three modules of the AEF web-based training will be available…
The AEF Fall Plugfest 2019 will take place from 16 to 20 September in Antibes, France. Be there when a knowledgeable audience meets to test and…
The preparations for the next AEF Plugfest which will take place from 17 to 20 September in Antibes (France) are already in full swing.
On 26 September 2018, experts from several AEF member companies met to launch the new Medium Voltage (PT12) project team. After defining the project…
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The dealer registration is also new. In future, dealers will be able to register and log into the AEF ISOBUS database themselves. This enables them to…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
The AEF ISOBUS database allows users to learn about ISOBUS functionalities supported by both the single product and several selected products.
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
From September 2019, manufacturers will be able themselves to carry out a Conformance Test by taking into account defined AEF Rules in order to ensure…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH is part of the global Panasonic Group and provides industrial products and services in Europe.
What is ISOBUS? How does the AEF ISOBUS Database work? What are the advantages of the AEF ISOBUS CheckTool? These and other questions are answered by…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
The AEF Engineering & Implementation team has been investigating the use of Twisted Pair Physical Layer (TPPL) for use on ISOBUS systems.
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
Suppliers often provide their ECUs to multiple manufacturers. These ECUs are equipped with a standard software which are able to support different…
#Technical updates
Orion Tecnologia e Sistemas Agrícolas Ltda is an innovative Brazilian company that designs and manufactures special spraying implements for installing…
J.Assy Agricultural specializes in technology solutions for agribusiness. They are one of Brazil’s largest investors in R & D in this industry.
From February 24th thru the 28th the 78th edition of SIMA took place at the Parc des Expositions in Paris Nord Villepinte. This year there were…
On Saturday February 23rd the third AXEMA Technical conference took place at the Parc des Expositions. The surrounding exhibition halls were busy with…
The AEF presented at the “Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference” (AETC) from February 11 to 13, 2019 in Louisville, Kentucky, with a program…
The preparations for the AEF Plugfest in spring, which will take place from 7 to 9 May in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, are already in full swing.
On 19th of December 2018 the first AEF Service Council took place in Warendorf. The event – aimed at service staff and product management of…
What does the AEF Ticket System do? How does it work? What role does it play in the context of diagnostic options in the AEF ISOBUS Database, keyword…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
SIMA 2019 will take place at the Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre from the 24th to the 28th of February. This will be the 78th edition of the…
TIM (tractor implement management system or device steers tractor) is an ISOBUS-based solution for a barrier-free and cross-vendor data exchange in…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
The AEF ticket system is an essential component of the AEF ISOBUS database. With this ticket system, information about compatibility problems between…
#Technical updates
Established in Germany in 1978, HELUKABEL® is one of the world’s leading cable manufacturers and suppliers. In addition to our production sites in…
The AEF is very excited to annouce the release of the new AEF ISOBUS Database login page.
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Technical updates
Dacom provides growers and the agribusiness sector with data-driven advisory services throughout the world. Using intelligent analyses, all available…
From the 7th to the 11th of November the EIMA International show took place in Bologna, Italy. More than 315,000 visitors attended this year, coming…
AEF General Manager, Norbert Schlingmann, was a keynote speaker at the AgGateway Annual meeting in Austin Texas, USA on Nov 13th. His presentation…
AEF developed together with ETSI’s committee on Machine-to-Machine Communications a pilot to distribute a warning message to passing vehicles within a…
#Technical updates
Jaap van Bergeijk will leave his AEF team leader position to the end of the year. Since the beginning of the AEF, he has been in charge of the…
On 26th of September the first meeting took place for the latest AEF Project Team, PT12 Medium Voltage. It has been formed based on a project proposal…
#Project team activities
The eighth TIM Plugfest took place at the Savoia Regency Hotel in Bologna on the 19th and 20th of September. It was the first time that a TIM specific…
On September 19th the AEF celebrated its 10 Year Anniversary with a full day of events in Bologna, Italy. This was in addition to the AEF Fall…
From the 18th to the 20th of September the Fall Plugfest took place at the Savoia Regency Hotel in Bologna, Italy.
The 8th TIM plugfest will be held on 19th and 20th of September during the European edition of the AEF Plugfest, at the Savoia Hotel Regency, Bologna,…
#Technical updates
Both organisations are interested in develop better products to the farmer. In order to provide functionalities on equipment we need to have a better…
Multiva is a brand for high quality agricultural machines, produced by Dometal Oy. Company is located in Loimaa, Finland. Our product range consists…
Geoprospectors is a leading supplier of soil sensors for precision agriculture, subsurface engineering and airborne exploration.The solutions use a…
The functionality ISB, or ISOBUS Shortcut button refers to a physical button (or key or switch) in the tractor cab which, when pressed, will…
#AEF ISOBUS Database
#Project team activities
#Technical updates
From May the 15th to the 17th the Spring Plugfest took place in Lincoln, Nebraska. The Embassy Suites together with the NTTL test lab hosted another…
On 28 October 2008 seven international manufacturers of agricultural machinery and two associations founded the Agricultural Industry Electronics…
From 14 to 18 May 2018 the Plugfest will take place in Lincoln Nebraska. Registration is now possible.
The Commodity Classic Ag show in North America was located this year in Anaheim, California from 27th February - 1st March.
Commodity Classic is America's top agricultural convention and trade show, managed by farmers, for farmers. The trade show connects cutting-edge…
Again the AEF will be present at Agritechnica in Hannover, Germany running from November 12th through 18th.