The implement controls the tractor (TIM)

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» What are the benefits of TIM?
» The background
» What does TIM aim to achieve?
» How does it work technically speaking?
» PKI infrastructure and licenses
» LEAR role
» Declaration Agreement
» Security Library (AuthLib)
» System preparation
» Development certificates
» Production certificates
» Upload product data for TIM certified machines
» Get in touch
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With ISOBUS tested devices, farmers expect that the coupling of tractor and implement through “plug & play“ works.
This means: after an ISOBUS connection is established, the control between devices from the same manufacturer, but also devices from different manufacturers shall always be possible.
This applies in particular for machines that are equipped with TIM. They are tested according to AEF guidelines and additionally have to observe the legal safety rules by which they are bound.
The AEF has set up the project team „ISOBUS Automation“ in order to accomplish TIM’s goals together with other project teams.
In order to obtain an AEF certification, ISOBUS devices have to pass a conformance test and provide evidence of the compatibility according to the ISOBUS standard and the AEF guidelines. Moreover, the product must meet the safety standards.
As soon as the conformance test has been successfully completed, the AEF also supplies a „digital certificate“, which will be integrated in the tested TIM machine. With the first connection between the tractor and implement combination, the machines check the validity of their digital certificates. If in agreement, the tractor and implement exchange a shared key.
This key will be checked when starting the combination of tractor and implement. Only if the result is positive, the farmer will be able to use TIM. Only then, the device will automatically control the tractor without intervention from the driver.
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The AEF extended the AEF ISOBUS Database by integration of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). PKI is needed to generate the necessary TIM certificates to pass the authentication process when TIM products are plugged together in the field.
Each member using TIM certificates will have to pay a yearly fee for this PKI service through the AEF ISOBUS Database. It will be calculated based on the requested certificates of each company at the beginning of a new year.
Each company will be invoiced again for anything over 20 or 200 certificates. The total numbers used by each member will be determined through the AEF ISOBUS Database usage. A PKI license is regarded as a production certificate chain (digital certificate) integrated in tested TIM machines. Automatically updated to the next PKI license if number of certificates reached.
A new role named LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative) was integrated in the AEF ISOBUS Database to assign TIM roles to users. Only the LEAR is allowed to assign the Manufacturer TIM Developer (MD) or Manufacturer TIM Production (MP) role to an user of his organization.
If the LEAR would like to deliver the right to manage the whole TIM process, he has to assign both roles the desired user.
The manufacturers alone are responsible for compliance with all applicable legal and official requirements and in particular for the safety of their products.
The role of AEF is limited to providing a framework within which manufacturers can ensure on their own responsibility compatibility with ISO 11783 and AEF Guideline AEF023 including any AEF Guideline referenced therein (hereinafter collectively “AEF Guideline AEF023”).
The OEM declares that the information provided by the OEM in and in connection with this Declaration is and shall be true, complete and up to date and undertakes, by sub-mitting this Declaration, to observe and comply with its provisions.
The declaration agreement can be requested at:
The authentication between TIM Server and TIM Client is processed by a security library component. The AEF hired an engineering company to implement a reference library for its members.
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The TIM Conformance Test was developed with Vector tools and therefore requires some additional settings and installations. The referenced manual is delivered with the Conformance Test Tool in the path C:\Program Files (x86)\aef\ISOBUS Test\Doc.
Currently (2019) the execution of the TIM Conformance Test requires the installation and license of CANoe 12 SP3. To just run the Conformance Test, Vector provides a special AEF TIM offer for AEF members. This offer contains a runtime license of CANoe called ‘CANoe PEX’, the corresponding option ‘ISO11783’.
Detailed information regarding the system preparation can be requested by the office:
In general, a production certificates will be granted after having passed the AEF conformance test for TIM. However, TIM servers and TIM clients need to be developed and validated before they are able to successfully pass the AEF conformance test. Part of this development will require Development Certificates.
Therefore every manufacturer may apply for a Development Certificates for their specific device. Development Certificates may be used by developers in order to test their authentication and TIM functionality during development especially when testing with a production device as part of a TIM couple.
The TIM Conformance Test process implicates two separate certifications. At this stage, the first process is done. The TIM device, equipped with development certificates, has been tested by an AEF test laboratory, and the results have been uploaded.
The second certification certifies the device, containing production certificates and having the final software version. This second certification results in the opportunity to upload the product data to the AEF ISOBUS Database. It can be processed by either the laboratory of the first certification, or the manufacturer itself.
After a TIM product has been certified by one of the test laboratories, the manufacturer admin or product admin can upload the related product infformation in order to promote it in the AEF compatibility check.
More information regarding the product upload can be found in the instruction section of the AEF ISOBUS Database.↓ Scroll down
Contact for North and South America
AEF Secretary
AEM (Association of Equipment Manufacturers)
6737 W. Washington Street, Suite 2400
Milwaukee, WI 53214-5647, USA
Contact for Europe and Asia
AEF Office
Blessenstätte 36
33330 Gütersloh